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Get all the Protein You Need from a Plant-Based Diet

January 17, 2018

Get all the Protein You Need from a Plant-Based Diet

Whether you choose to eat animal protein or not, we can all agree that adding more plants into our diet is pretty important. Plants are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients which provide a variety of health benefits, but getting enough protein from plants is a concern many have (1)

Of course, protein is essential for our diet. It helps us recover from exercise quickly, gives you energy, and builds lean muscle -- but can we get all the protein we need entirely from plants? Our answer, absolutely! (2)

According to registered dietician Lea Basch, "At a minimum, the average person needs to consume 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For a person who weighs 150 pounds, that would be about 55 grams of protein per day." This might seem like a lot when you're just eating plants, but you'll be surprised at how much protein some plants contain and how quickly it all adds up. Here are 7 of our favorite sources of plant protein and how you can include more of them into your diet. 

1. Hemp Seeds

1/4 of a cup of hemp seeds has 10g of plant powered protein, plus all 20 amino acids which makes it a complete protein; perfect for maintaining a healthy and happy body. Hemp is also a rich source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which the body needs for energy production, cardiovascular health, and healthy skin. This is one of the reasons it's a part of the Après protein blend!

2. Chia Seeds

With 7g of protein per serving, these little super seeds are packed full of minerals, omega-3's, and fiber. They also have 3x the antioxidants of blueberries! We like to add chia seeds to coconut milk to make a delicious chia pudding, sprinkle it on top of oats for an extra pop of protein, or simply drink an Après (it includes chia in the ingredient list)! 

3. Quinoa

Quinoa is also a complete protein providing all 9 essential amino acids. 9 of the 20 amino acids are called "essential" because they cannot be created from other compounds by the human body and therefore must be taken in as food. With 8g of protein in 1 cup of quinoa, it's a great addition to any salad or veggie bowl. We also like to toss it into a wok with some coconut oil and veggies for a healthy stir fry! 

4. Almond Butter

2 TBSP of almond butter packs 6g of plant based protein along with healthy fats to keep you feeling full. Almond butter is like candy to us over here so normally, we just eat it straight from the jar with a spoon. You can also be more civilized by adding it to your smoothies or by using it as an ingredient in your vegan protein balls. 

5. Chickpeas

With a whopping 20g of protein per cup, chickpeas have some power behind them. Our favorite way to include chickpeas into our diet is with massive amounts of hummus (YES!). Cut up some of your favorite veggies and use them to dip into that protein rich hummus.  

6. Pea Protein

This is one of our favorite sources of protein which is why it's the base of our Après protein blend. Pea protein comes in at a whopping 15g per serving and is also packed with fiber and other essential nutrients like Vitamin K. 

7. Spirulina

Some call it the world's most magical superfood, and we agree! Spirulina has the highest concentration of protein (by dry weight) found in any food and is also a complete protein. To add to that, it is also one of the most easily digestible proteins out there. We like to add spirulina to our smoothies in the morning or sprinkle a little bit over our morning yogurt. 


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