APRÈS new look....

Why Après?

May 15, 2017

Why Après?

Après was inspired by one of my favorite parts of the daily routine -- the post workout moment.  It's that wonderful feeling of confidence, a revving metabolism, and extra self-love. It's a moment that can only be earned by getting myself to class and pushing my body to new levels. If I had to describe it in one word, I'd call it a "glow."

Unfortunately, this moment doesn't last forever, and it can eventually give way to a sort of glow hangover. When that happens, my energy crashes, my mind gets a bit foggier, my appetite spikes . . . and I find myself searching for the nearest candy jar, grazing through the office snack cabinet, or even worse, becoming dangerously hangry. 

For years, I tried to find new and better ways to effectively replenish my body so that I could sustain this glow without the crash. 

Seriously, I've tried almost everything: I'm a big fan of green juice (hold the fruit) but it certainly isn't satiating. Coconut water can be great for rehydration but the higher sugar levels make the crash worse. Some healthy snack bars satisfy my hunger and taste ok, but they aren't exactly refreshing and I prefer something drinkable. (Plus, scarfing down a bar while running into a meeting with a client isn't ideal given my teeth are magnets for food.) On the surface, traditional protein drinks and meal replacement shakes seem intriguing, but they are almost always packed with unpronounceable ingredients and are dairy-based, both of which are non-starters for me.

As many of you know, I was a health and wellness coach prior to launching Après. In meetings with my clients, I discovered early on that I wasn't the only one wrestling with this post-workout snack problem. As a matter of fact, "what's the best thing for me to have after I workout?" was far and away my clients' most frequently asked question. As I met with more and more clients, the question became predictable, along with my inability to answer it. I grew frustrated.

Making this mission more difficult for both my clients and I is the fact that we live busy lives (busy is good!), and we're frequently on-the-go, multi-tasking, and without a minute to spare. So, while nutrition is paramount, convenience matters.

As we developed, tested, and refined our formula over the last 12 months, our customers repeatedly told us that there is a broader need for our product outside of just after a workout.

In the same way that we don't have time for a glow hangover after we workout, we can't slow down or stop just because we checked something off our "to do" list. We need on-the-go replenishment that extends well beyond whatever happens in a fitness studio.  

While staying true to our original mission, our team has created a product to provide you with the replenishment you need to keep going strong . . . after anything.  Whether it’s exercise, back-to-back meetings or a long day of errands, Après will replenish you from the inside out. Why? Because life's too short to not own your after.


Much love, 

Team Après



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