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Make your workout work for you: 5 workout alternatives that get the heart going

September 05, 2017

Make your workout work for you: 5 workout alternatives that get the heart going

After little sleep, a long day, or just a wild night out with friends, there are times when a workout is the very last thing you'd ever want to do. On the days when a workout sounds as terrible as running into your ex, trick your body into doing something that gets the blood pumping without even putting on leggings. Here are 5 ways to get a little bit of movement in without even knowing it. 

1. Clean your apartment

Scrub the bathtub, sweep the floor, and attack that pile of laundry that's full of nearly every pair of workout leggings you own. Throw on some Rihanna and maybe even use that bod to finally organize your closet . . . Marie Kondo style. 

2. Do your hair

The combination of blow drying and then curling your hair might as well be an entire arm series in barre class. Give your hair extra volume, curl every strand, and then check two boxes -- hair game on point, arm workout done. Multitasking at its best. 

3. Go dancing

Whether it's alone in your room, at a bar/club, or in your car at a red light, dancing might be our favorite way to get our blood flowing. Let your hair down, pretend like no one is watching, and finally nail that booty shake. Worst case, you also work your core by laughing. Best case, you're now able to impress everyone at the next bachelorette party!

4. Get between the sheets

The OG of sweat sessions. Whether you involve a partner or decide to go solo, there's nothing like the increased heart rate you get from a climax.  

5. Grate some veggies

Grab a zucchini, sweet potato, or any veggie for that matter and put those biceps to work. It will feel like you've just done 50 pushups, but you've gotten dinner started at the same time. 

As you know from previous posts, we love to go to spin classes, sweat it out in legree, and catch some fresh air on a run, but a full blown workout isn't always in the cards. When in doubt, make life your workout and then celebrate the fact that you didn't just sit on the couch watching Netflix. Talk about #owningyourafter, right?! 

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