APRÈS new look....

You need more of this in your life

July 17, 2017

You need more of this in your life

[Updated as of 7/24/17: We revised this post to clarify that while Après uses organic ingredients, we have not been certified organic by the USDA.]

The Big O that is. We know where your mind went, but today by Big O we mean organic foods...more on the other O in a Journal post to come!

When we began the product development process for Après, one of the first decisions we made was to ensure that our product was organic wherever possible. We knew that it would be more expensive and difficult, but with overwhelming evidence supporting the health and environmental benefits of organic foods, it was a no brainer. 

So, why exactly are organic ingredients better? These 5 reasons might surprise you. 

1. More Nutrients

Dozens of recent studies show that organic fruits and vegetables are richer in nutrients than those that are conventionally grown. A large study found that organic produce has substantially higher concentrations of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. They also contain about 50% more anthocyanins and flavonols which are linked to lower levels of inflammation and have been shown to help fend off disease. (1,2).

2. Free from GMO's

GMO's or "genetically modified foods" are organisms that have been created through the transfer of genes from one species into another in way that could not take place naturally. These GMO foods are bred to be more chemical resistant which means that farmers can spray them with as many chemicals as they need to in order to keep them alive. One study done by Gilles-Eric Séralini showed that rats fed a diet of Roundup-Ready GM corn developed massive tumors and died younger (3). While some may argue the science is still being proven, we'd much rather be ahead of the curve here.

3. Less Toxicity

From our diets to our living and working environments, our daily lives are overloaded with hidden chemicals and toxins. Wherever possible we want to reduce our overall toxic load, and one of the best ways to do that is by eating organic foods. Conventionally grown produce is riddled with chemicals that then get passed along to us through consumption. Most of these chemicals function as neurotoxins which means they attack the nervous system of the insect. We'd rather not imagine how these micro-doses of pesticides likely affect our bodies over time.

4. Earth Friendly

Organic foods translate to less environmental damage. When foods are grown without pesticides, they encourage soil fauna and flora and improve the structure of the soil. This means less erosion and more nutrition in the ground base. Organic farming conditions also lead to less water pollution from the runoff of chemicals. The EWG (Environmental Working Group) states that "organic agriculture preserves biodiversity, improves soil health, and saves energy." 

5. Better Taste

Since organic foods are grown without pesticides, they are constantly under attack by bugs and insects. This isn't necessarily a bad thing though, because in order to protect themselves, plants build up their own production of chemical defenses. In the plant world, this means releasing an aroma that the pests don't like. These defenses directly translate to more flavor for us! So, while organic produce might be smaller and slightly misshapen (as it should be), the taste really delivers! 

All of this said, it's nearly impossible to eat 100% organic, so don't sweat. The EWG has a Dirty Dozen guide to organic food which lists the 12 most pesticide laden fruits and vegetables and then a Clean Fifteen list with the produce that absorbs the least amount of pesticides. Brush up on both lists so that you can make an educated decision next time you're at the market.

You're also safe in knowing that Après is made with organic ingredients and is non-GMO. It's important to us to give you the very best organic ingredients wherever possible so that you can always #ownyourafter, in full glow!



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