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Exhausted all the time? Here's why!

March 05, 2018

Exhausted all the time? Here's why!

While it's pretty clear that getting enough sleep is paramount to feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, getting your solid 8 hours is just a part of the energy puzzle. Many of us are still sleepwalking to work wishing we had coffee IVs at our desks or a designated nap time after lunch.

We are plagued by exhaustion and, frustratingly, it's often unrelated to the number of z's we caught the night before. Here are 5 common, non-sleep related reasons you're exhausted all the time and what you can do to fix it. 

1. You're stressed

Whether you're stressed about the date you have Friday night or a major project you have due tomorrow, stress has been called one of the most dangerous toxins in our body. One of the reasons stress is so exhausting is that it damages your mitochondria, also known as the energy powerhouse of your body. This means that when you're stressed, there's actually less energy being produced for your body. Stress also inhibits your ability to detoxify by affecting the genes responsible for enzymes that break down fat. This can also lead to sharper sugar and unhealthy fat cravings. Stress eating anyone? To diminish stress, try taking a 10 minute walk mid-day to clear your head, sit for 5 minutes in silence while you sip your morning coffee, or start a daily gratitude journal. All three of these exercises have proven to reduce stress and improve energy. 

2. You aren't getting enough healthy fat

Healthy fats are one of the best ways to power your body with sustained energy. When the body is running off of high sugar, high carb foods your insulin is consistently spiking and then crashing a few hours later. When insulin crashes, you feel exhausted, foggy brained, and angsty. That hangry feeling sound familiar? By incorporating more healthy fats into your diet like coconut oil, avocado, and nuts you can stabilize your blood sugar and give your body a more sustainable source of energy. Try drinking coconut oil-packed Après to get your dose of healthy fats (shameless plug, we had to!), add extra avocado to your salad or smoothie, or cook your veggies in energy-rich olive oil. 

3. Your relationships aren't great

Ever left a dinner with a friend and felt completely exhausted by the whole event? There are people in your life that suck energy from you and others that make you feel elated, motivated, and excited to take on what's next. It might not be obvious right off the bat, but take note of the people in your life that exhaust you and those that bring your energy levels up. You don't need to completely cut cords but start spending more time with the people that add to your life, not those that take away from it. 

4. You don't take time for self care

We touched on this in another post, but giving back to your body allows you to feel ready and refreshed to move forward feeling great. It can be hard to carve out time for yourself when you're trying to get to your office on time, fit in a workout, get to the grocery store, and watch the season finale of The Bachelor . . . we can completely relate! But, the more you charge full speed ahead without allowing for some down time, the more likely you are to completely exhaust yourself. Schedule in your self care like you do your meetings and workouts. Whether it's 10 minutes in the bathtub or a 3 minute cryotherapy session, make some time to replenish and refresh so that you can put your best, most rested self forward. 

5. You aren't doing what you love

Passion is what drives us and motivates us to pop out of bed in the morning, regardless of how much sleep we got the night before. Whether it's your job, travel plans, hobbies, or weekend activities, make sure that more often than not, you are doing what you love to do. Spending time doing things that you dread literally sucks the life out of you, so it's no wonder it makes you feel exhausted. If you can't change jobs then make more fun plans on the weekends, organize a fantastic trip, or look into an event that you can participate in that will add joy and happiness to your waking hours. 

While taking naps can be fun, and incredibly rejuvenating, it's no fun to feel exhausted all of the time. Whether it's changing your diet, investing less in an unhealthy relationship, or developing some stress reducing habits, take stock of what's draining your energy in your life and make some changes. The world is ready for the well-rested, energized you!

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