APRÈS new look....


You know what you want, and now it's time to get it. Inspiration to help you #ownyourafter in full glow.

7 Plant-Based Foods to Help Jumpstart Your Metabolism

7 Plant-Based Foods to Help Jumpstart Your Metabolism

April 14, 2018

Our health food philosophy at Après is to focus on adding healthy foods into our diet whenever we can. Although we do believe there is always a place for wine and dark chocolate, we do our best to stay energized, fit and happy by including these nutrient-dense, plant-based ingredients into our diets as often as we can. These ingredients are some of our favorites because they help rev metabolism and they taste amazing!
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Sold Out Status Update

Sold Out Status Update

March 29, 2018

We want to let you guys in on all of the deets, so here's where we are with production and when we hope you can sip on us again. 
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Yes, You Need More Self Care and Here's Why

Yes, You Need More Self Care and Here's Why

March 26, 2018

When you’re busy trying to please your boss at work, keep your family happy and healthy and stay on top of friends' weddings, birthdays and showers, it’s easy to forget that the body and mind that are making all of this happen need a little bit of attention too.
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Sold Out. Now What?

Sold Out. Now What?

March 12, 2018

Status update: Sold Out. Here's what's happening behind the scenes and when you can expect us to be back. 
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Exhausted all the time? Here's why!

Exhausted all the time? Here's why!

March 05, 2018

While it's pretty clear that getting enough sleep is paramount to feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, getting your solid 8 hours is just a part of the energy puzzle. Many of us are still sleepwalking to work wishing we had coffee IVs at our desks or a designated nap time after lunch.
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Get to know us

Get to know us

February 21, 2018

We're here to take you “behind the marble” to give you a better understanding of our product, how it was designed, why we selected certain ingredients and the story behind why it took so long to make. 
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5 Ways To Control Your Sugar Cravings

5 Ways To Control Your Sugar Cravings

February 14, 2018

Sugar cravings are tricky little monsters. After a week filled with too many Peeps, chocolate bunnies and mom's fresh chocolate chip cookies, we decided that it's time to get a hold on the urges, the healthy way.
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You Asked, We Answered. Après Ingredients

You Asked, We Answered. Après Ingredients

January 19, 2018

Après is packed with good-for-you ingredients that give your body what it’s craving in the post workout moment. So, what exactly are those ingredients and what do they do for you? Let’s take a look.
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Get all the Protein You Need from a Plant-Based Diet

Get all the Protein You Need from a Plant-Based Diet

January 17, 2018

Whether you choose to eat animal protein or not, we can all agree that adding more plants into our diet is pretty important. Plants are rich in vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients which gives them infinite health benefits, but getting enough protein from plants is a concern many have
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Let's Cut The Negative Self Talk This Year

Let's Cut The Negative Self Talk This Year

January 09, 2018

Think about your attitude toward your body for a second. Are you on a diet because you hate your body or because you love yourself and want to take better care of your body and mind? When you talk about yourself do you focus on the sum of what is wrong rather than focusing on what is right?
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Get Glowing in 2018: 5 Replenishing Therapies We Love Right Now

Get Glowing in 2018: 5 Replenishing Therapies We Love Right Now

January 04, 2018

In order to truly share our best gifts and talents with the world, we need to make sure that the cup that we pour from is consistently refilled. (You can't pour from an empty cup, right?) We need to give back to ourselves. We need to re-energize so that when the world does call on us, we are ready to give it our very bes
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The 2017 Après Holiday Gift Guide

The 2017 Après Holiday Gift Guide

December 17, 2017

We're making a last-second list (and checking it twice) of our favorite holiday gifts. We love nothing more than gifting something that makes someone's face light up! With less than a week left until the big man in red visits your home, here are some gifts that might give Santa a run for his money!
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